This is probably the book that has impacted me the most so far this year. The book is "So, You Don’t Want to Go to Church Anymore" by Jake Colsen (Wayne Jacobsen/Dave Coleman). Here are some important points directly from the book:
I’m not talking about what you’re doing. Are you filled with the love of Jesus like you were the first day you believed in him?
It’s about life-God’s real life filling your own. He moves in so that you will no longer entertain any doubts about his reality. It is freedom. It is joy and peace no matter what happens. This is the kind of life that he came to share with everyone who will give up trying to control their own lives and embrace his agenda.
Just be real with Father and resist the urges to crawl back into your shell and silently endure lifelessness. Ask him to forgive you for substituting anything for the power of his love and invite him to show you how your diligent efforts at good works for him may be obscuring his love for you. Let God do the rest. He will draw you to himself.
We’re not changed by the promises we make to God, but by the promises he makes to us. When we make commitments that we can live up to only for a brief period, our guilt multiplies when we fail. Upset that God doesn’t do more to help us, we usually end up medicating our guilt with something like drugs, alcohol, food, shopping or anything else that dulls the pain or it creeps out of us through anger or lust.
We sin to fill up broken places, to try to fight for what we think is best for us, or by reacting to our guilt and shame. Once you discover how much he loves you, all that changes. As you grow in trusting him, you will find yourself increasingly free from sin.
Don’t use our conversations to try to change others. Until they are looking for the same things you are, people will not understand.
Real body life isn’t built on accountability. It’s built on love. We’re to encourage each other in the journey without trying to conform people to the standard we think they need.
When you can trust his love in each moment, you’ll really know how to live free. Just keep coming to him and watch what he will do. He’s the Father who knows you better than you know yourself and even loves you more than you love yourself. Ask him to help you see how much he loves you. That will make all the difference.
Simply let God connect you with those brothers and sisters he wants you to walk with for now. Think less about ‘starting’ something than just learning to share your life in God with others on a similar journey.
When we’re looking to the future, we’re not listening to Father. Anything we do to try and guarantee stability on our own terms will actually rob us of the freedom to simply follow him today. We’ll resort to our own wisdom instead of following his. The greatest freedom God can give you is to trust his ability to take care of you each day.
Instead of trying to build a house church, learn to love each other and share each other’s journey. Who is he asking you to walk alongside right now and how can you encourage them?
No church model will produce God’s life in you. It works the other way around. Our life in God, shared together, expresses itself as the church.
The freedom to be honest and the freedom to struggle are key to a real friendship.
Honestly, there’s not one thing you can do to make him love you any more today; and there’s not one thing you can do to make him love you any less either. He just loves you.
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Monday, September 7, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Notes from "Rich Like Them"
The following are the notes I captured from reading Ryan D'Agostino's "Rich Like Them" book. They are essentially the Chapter titles and main points of each chapter.
1-Open Your Eyes
Don’t Forget Your Goal-Even When You’re On Vacation
Where Others See Death, Imagine Life
When You Hear Someone Say “If Only I Could…” You’re Hearing an Opportunity
Connect the People You Meet (be the hub of the wheel)
Save Some Money for a Rainy Day
Once You Connect the Dots, Follow Through
2-Luck Doesn’t Exist
Choose Your Purpose, and Don’t Let Anyone Tell You You’re Wrong
Remember: With Time Comes Free Money (compounding)
Watch Your Pennies, No Matter How Many You Have
Keep Your Cool-It’s a Big Part of Persevering
Don’t Deviate from Your Planned Path to Get a Quick Gain
Perseverance Doesn’t Take Forever
Once You Find Your Calling, Persevering is Easy
Remember That You Can’t Do a Business Transaction with Yourself
Prepare to Get Lucky
3-The Economics of Obsession
Find a Driver Other Than Money-It’s Usually More Lucrative Than Money Alone
Do One Thing and Do It Well
Obsess Over Whatever Job You Have
Take Your Mind Off the Money-You’ll earn More
Don’t Plan a Career-Plan a Life
Obsession Makes You Work Harder
If You Look Forward to Going to Work, That’s a Good Sign
Discover Love Through Immersion (work for the love of it)
Turn Fear into Passion (pursue the idea)
4-The Myth of Risk
Never Stop Being a Student
Calculate Every Risk-Even the One You Live In
Look for Your Window to Go Solo
You Want Autonomy? Let It Motivate You
Be Cocky When It Counts
Don’t Worry About What Other People Think
Reduce Risk by Believing in Yourself
When You Fail Miserably, Rejoice
If You Hate Your Career, Um, Change It
Sometimes the Biggest Risk Is Doing Nothing
Never Let Pride Get in the Way of Profit
Be Humble Even If You’re As Rich As Brooke Astor
Don’t Be a Slave to Plan A-It’ll Prevent You from Seeing Plan B
Don’t Be Afraid to Make Less Than Your Spouse
Never Feel As If You’re Too Successful to Sweat
Remember That You Are Not, Nor Will You Ever Be, a God or Goddess
This was originally my idea, to go knock on doors of the apparently wealthy and ask them how they got that way, but Ryan beat me to it :-)
1-Open Your Eyes
Don’t Forget Your Goal-Even When You’re On Vacation
Where Others See Death, Imagine Life
When You Hear Someone Say “If Only I Could…” You’re Hearing an Opportunity
Connect the People You Meet (be the hub of the wheel)
Save Some Money for a Rainy Day
Once You Connect the Dots, Follow Through
2-Luck Doesn’t Exist
Choose Your Purpose, and Don’t Let Anyone Tell You You’re Wrong
Remember: With Time Comes Free Money (compounding)
Watch Your Pennies, No Matter How Many You Have
Keep Your Cool-It’s a Big Part of Persevering
Don’t Deviate from Your Planned Path to Get a Quick Gain
Perseverance Doesn’t Take Forever
Once You Find Your Calling, Persevering is Easy
Remember That You Can’t Do a Business Transaction with Yourself
Prepare to Get Lucky
3-The Economics of Obsession
Find a Driver Other Than Money-It’s Usually More Lucrative Than Money Alone
Do One Thing and Do It Well
Obsess Over Whatever Job You Have
Take Your Mind Off the Money-You’ll earn More
Don’t Plan a Career-Plan a Life
Obsession Makes You Work Harder
If You Look Forward to Going to Work, That’s a Good Sign
Discover Love Through Immersion (work for the love of it)
Turn Fear into Passion (pursue the idea)
4-The Myth of Risk
Never Stop Being a Student
Calculate Every Risk-Even the One You Live In
Look for Your Window to Go Solo
You Want Autonomy? Let It Motivate You
Be Cocky When It Counts
Don’t Worry About What Other People Think
Reduce Risk by Believing in Yourself
When You Fail Miserably, Rejoice
If You Hate Your Career, Um, Change It
Sometimes the Biggest Risk Is Doing Nothing
Never Let Pride Get in the Way of Profit
Be Humble Even If You’re As Rich As Brooke Astor
Don’t Be a Slave to Plan A-It’ll Prevent You from Seeing Plan B
Don’t Be Afraid to Make Less Than Your Spouse
Never Feel As If You’re Too Successful to Sweat
Remember That You Are Not, Nor Will You Ever Be, a God or Goddess
This was originally my idea, to go knock on doors of the apparently wealthy and ask them how they got that way, but Ryan beat me to it :-)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
How Are You? Are You Living In Christ?
Thoughts from my quiet times this past week:
- Galatians 5 reminds us to use of freedom to demonstrate our love for one another
- Get wisdom, discipline and understanding (Proverbs 23:23)
- In Isaiah 38 King Hezekiah become deathly ill and pleaded with God for his life; God, in His mercy, replied that He would 1) give him 15 more years of life and 2) deliver the city from the king of Assyria
- Galatians 6 states that we are to carry each other’s burdens (more than a backpack), carry our own load (your backpack) and don’t become weary in doing good
- Isaiah 39 tells us that Hezekiah’s storehouse had silver, gold and oil in it. What does my/your storehouse have in it?
- Ephesians 1 declares our riches in Christ
- Ephesians 2 says we are dead unless we are alive in Christ; we are created to do good works…
- Ephesians 4 instructs us to put off ourselves and to put on Christ; to put off lies and to put on truth
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Make Your Knowledge Sell! Is Set Free
Who would like to make some money online? Raise those hands...
That's what I thought! :-)
Want to know what some consider perhaps the best way to make great money online?
Selling your knowledge!
"But how do I do that?"
Glad you asked...
Let's say you are an expert gardener. You know all about bulbs, fertilizers, and watering techniques.
Why not take that knowledge and turn it into an e-book?
That's just what Doug Green did on his site...
Garden Tips Perennials
But a site has no value if it does not actually drive something... something like, um... income! So Doug now has a fleet of 14 e-books and seven sites that he uses to market them. His love of gardening has truly turned into a gardening empire. Talk about a $GREEN$ thumb. :-)
There are some super advantages to having an electronic book (or other e-good) that you can sell online...
o Online-immediate-delivery (no shipping to deal with)
o Easy to update at any time
o Transaction and fulfillment takes place automatically
o Very low manufacturing cost (how about zero cost?).
It all adds up to a super way to monetize any site...
Because once you attract traffic interested in your niche, what better way to monetize than to give them exactly what
they came for in the first place... more information!
And Make Your Knowledge Sell! is the perfect step-by-step guide for how to do just that...
Up until today, it's been selling it for $49.95.
It includes...
o how to find profitable ideas
o how to package your e-book
o how to write for an e-book
o how to price your e-book
o how to market your e-book.
Well, now it's FREE.
Yup, Make Your Knowledge Sell! has been set free.
Just click on the following link to get your copy now...
That's what I thought! :-)
Want to know what some consider perhaps the best way to make great money online?
Selling your knowledge!
"But how do I do that?"
Glad you asked...
Let's say you are an expert gardener. You know all about bulbs, fertilizers, and watering techniques.
Why not take that knowledge and turn it into an e-book?
That's just what Doug Green did on his site...
Garden Tips Perennials
But a site has no value if it does not actually drive something... something like, um... income! So Doug now has a fleet of 14 e-books and seven sites that he uses to market them. His love of gardening has truly turned into a gardening empire. Talk about a $GREEN$ thumb. :-)
There are some super advantages to having an electronic book (or other e-good) that you can sell online...
o Online-immediate-delivery (no shipping to deal with)
o Easy to update at any time
o Transaction and fulfillment takes place automatically
o Very low manufacturing cost (how about zero cost?).
It all adds up to a super way to monetize any site...
Because once you attract traffic interested in your niche, what better way to monetize than to give them exactly what
they came for in the first place... more information!
And Make Your Knowledge Sell! is the perfect step-by-step guide for how to do just that...
Up until today, it's been selling it for $49.95.
It includes...
o how to find profitable ideas
o how to package your e-book
o how to write for an e-book
o how to price your e-book
o how to market your e-book.
Well, now it's FREE.
Yup, Make Your Knowledge Sell! has been set free.
Just click on the following link to get your copy now...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Notes from Lesson 9 of Og Mandino's University of Success
Main thoughts from reading lesson 9:
- Make the most of your abilities
- Ask "What talents or abilities do I have?"
- Discipline your abilities for maximum use
- Set a sense of purpose for yourself
- Put your talents to work
- Use your imagination
- Have enthusiasm for your work
- Persevere in the use of talents
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Notes from Chapter 5 of How to Win Friends and Influence People
Some notes from Chapter 5 of HTWFIP, How to make a good first impression:
- Facial expression is important
- Sincere smile
- Success comes when you have fun doing the work required for success
- Everyone is seeking happiness, it can be had by controlling your thoughts
- One word / one action: smile
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A Study of Contrasts
Here are some things that caught my attention this week during my time in Scripture.
- In Joshua 4 the Lord exalted Joshua. When you exalt yourself you will be humbled. When you humble yourself you will be exalted. (Luke 14)
- Jesus associated with sinners. There is rejoicing in the presence of angels when a sinner repents. Rejoice when lost are found (Luke 15)
- The people of this world are shrewder in dealing with their own kind than people of the light. Use worldly wealth to gain friends. If you can / can’t be trusted with a little, then you can / can’t be trusted with a lot. If you are not trustworthy with worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? (Luke 16)
- Only one in ten were thankful and willing to praise God (Luke 17)
- Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere (Psalm 84:10)
- Righteousness guards a man of integrity, wickedness overthrows a sinner (Proverbs 13:6)
- Don’t judge on appearances, there are those who pretend to be rich and have nothing, and there are those who pretend to be poor and are wealthy (Proverbs 13:7)
- What must I do to gain eternal life? Give up everything and follow Christ. Peter said that he had given up everything to follow Christ. See Luke 18:29 for Christ’s response. How do you reconcile this?
- Choice: be full of pride OR take advice (Proverbs 13:10)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Notes from Lesson 8 of Og Mandino's University of Success
Lesson 8 focused on how to develop your strengths. Main thoughts include:
- You create opportunity by your feelings and determination
- You must support yourself instead of undermining yourself
- Be creative and imaginative instead of worrying
- Live in the present. The past is gone. The future is unknown.
- Set constructive goals and move yourself toward today’s opportunities
Sunday, April 13, 2008
7 Tensions Common to Christians in the Marketplace
- Serving God versus pursuing mammon
- Love versus competition
- People versus profits
- Family versus work
- Perspective in the face of success
- Charity versus wealth
- Faithful to God versus pluralistic
See Ecclesiastes 3 for perspective
(from the book Halftime by Bob Buford)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Chapter 4 of How to Win Friends and Influence People

Main points from my reading of Chapter 4 of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:
- Become interested in other people like a friendly dog does welcoming visitors
- To make friends you must do things that require time, unselfishness, and thoughtfulness
- Know peoples’ birthdays!
- Greet people enthusiastically
- “We are interested in others when they are interested in us” ~Publilius Syrus
- Become genuinely interested in other people
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Lesson 7 of Og Mandino's University of Success
Some bullet points from lesson 7 of Og Mandino's University of Success:
- I can versus I can’t
- No area of life is immune to faith (believing) and effort (work)
- Quit talking about it and do it!
- If you have a dream, thank God for it and do something about it
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A Week of Contrasts
Just like in the final week of Jesus life before he was crucified, this week while reading in the books of Numbers, Proverbs and Luke a lot of contrasts where brought to light:
- Numbers 22 tells the story of a man named Balaam and his donkey. Balaam beats his donkey 3 different times for not taking him where he wanted to go. Then the donkey actually spoke to Balaam and the angel who was blocking their way was revealed to Balaam. Ultimately Balaam gets to where he is going and blesses the tribes of Israel 3 times.
- A gossip betrays, the trustworthy keeps confidences (Proverbs 11:13)
- Balaam did not sell out to Balak (the world) but did what pleased the Lord (Numbers 24)
- In Luke 2 Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Simeon was moved by the Holy Spirit and blessed Joseph and Mary along with prophesying about Jesus and his future
- Jesus grew and became strong, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and the grace of God was upon him (Luke 2:40)
- A kind man benefits, a cruel man brings trouble (Proverbs 11:16-17)
- In Luke 3 the lineage of Jesus is traced all the way back to God
- The righteous attain life, the evil death (Proverbs 11:19)
- Luke 4:1 states that Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and he was hungry after 40 days of eating nothing. This shows us his humanness.
- What a contrast between Luke 4:22 where all the people spoke well of Jesus and Luke 4:28 where all the people were furious with Jesus. What did he say that made such a change?
Thoughts from Chapter 3 of How to Win Friends and Influence People
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Humility Leads to Wisdom
This week during my Bible reading I finished the book of Mark and started the book of Luke. Some thoughts from my week of reading Scripture included the following:
- In Mark 14 Jesus valued the woman who perfumed him and stated that the poor will always be with us. This passage reminds me of the contrast of valuing Jesus and betraying him like Judas did.
- Numbers 12 states that Moses was the most humble man on Earth. Now that’s a compliment! God spoke to him face to face. Now that’s a privilege!
- Why do we pray before eating a meal? See Mark 14:22
- Pride leads to disgrace; humility leads to wisdom (Proverbs 11:2)
- The fool says there is no God (Psalm 53:1)
- In Numbers 15 a man is taken out and stoned because he gathered wood on the Sabbath. Now that’s swift and severe punishment!
- Jesus was declared risen from the grave by a “man” dressed in white at the tomb (Mark 16) That's what our upcoming Easter weekend is all about.
- Luke 1 states that Luke investigated and wrote an orderly account. My kind of man...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Lesson 6 of Og Mandino's University of Success
- What is your purpose?
- What are your talents?
- Is it wrong to be wealthy?
- What tools do you possess?
- What challenges need to be confronted?
- Who is in charge of your life?
- What are you avoiding by diversions?
- What will you become?
“I would rather try and fail, than to do nothing and succeed.”
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Chapter 2 of How to Win Friends and Influence People

- The motive of most people is to be great, or at least important
- Typical motivators: health, food, sleep, money and the things it will buy, eternal life, sexual gratification, and well being of family
- Motivate others by appreciating and encouraging them
- Give honest and sincere appreciation
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Lesson 5 of Og Mandino's University of Success
- Blaming others - take responsibility for self
- Excessive self blame - forgive yourself
- No goals - set goals
- Wrong goals - make sure you have the right goals
- Taking short cuts - work hard
- Taking the long road - enjoy today
- Neglecting details - pay attention to details
- Quitting too soon - have persistence
- Burden of the past - adapt to the present
- Illusion of success - continue the effort
Friday, February 22, 2008
Chapter 1 of How to Win Friends and Infuence People

- Criticism is futile because 99 of 100 people don’t blame themselves for anything
- People thirst for approval
- Judge not (as stated in Luke 6:37)
- People are creatures of emotion and not of logic
- Don’t condemn, criticize or complain, try to understand /empathize
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Another New Year!
Like most of you, this week started a brand-new year in my journey through life. Welcome to 2008!
My time in Scripture this week has been focused on starting the books of Genesis, Matthew, Psalm, and Proverbs in my One-Year Bible. Key thoughts this week include:
Brunch (breakfast/lunch) and Lupper (lunch/supper) were enjoyed with the family the first half of the week since Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were vacation days. Saturday morning was set aside for a brief date (brunch!) with my wife while my son was in physics class.
The trusty Franklin Covey notebook / calendar got cleaned out and refilled. New month at a glance pages for 2008 were completed along with updated daily pages, and personal goals. “Big rocks” for me this year include maintaining an eternal perspective, selling the house or finishing the basement, a renewed focus on relationships, keeping better notes on the Scripture and books I read, continuing to exercise to maintain weight, and taking a couple of family trips this year.
A Very Important People (VIP) list was started for the first time this year. These are people I will interact with throughout the year that make an impact on my life. This tool will help me implement the thought that “the only differences in my life a year from now will be from what I read and the people I interact with.”
Consider the following as we begin another year: 1) What are you committed to reading / learning? 2) Are you spending enough time with your family and other VIPs? 3) Have you organized your calendar and priorities for the New Year ahead?
My time in Scripture this week has been focused on starting the books of Genesis, Matthew, Psalm, and Proverbs in my One-Year Bible. Key thoughts this week include:
- I am created in God’s image
- 6 days a week are for working and the remaining day is for rest
- I am to delight and meditate on God’s law
- Am I currently listening to God or Satan?
- God made garments for Adam and Eve even though they disobeyed Him which illustrates His love
- God drove Adam and Eve from the garden which demonstrates His justice
- Fools despise wisdom and discipline
- Noah waited on God’s instruction before leaving the ark (Genesis 8)
- Jesus was popular because he healed people who were ill (Matthew 4)
- God noticed that when people spoke the same language and started working together they would be able to accomplish whatever they desired (Genesis 11)
- Those who practice and teach God’s commands are called great in the Kingdom (Matthew 5)
- In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation (Psalm 5:3)
Brunch (breakfast/lunch) and Lupper (lunch/supper) were enjoyed with the family the first half of the week since Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were vacation days. Saturday morning was set aside for a brief date (brunch!) with my wife while my son was in physics class.
The trusty Franklin Covey notebook / calendar got cleaned out and refilled. New month at a glance pages for 2008 were completed along with updated daily pages, and personal goals. “Big rocks” for me this year include maintaining an eternal perspective, selling the house or finishing the basement, a renewed focus on relationships, keeping better notes on the Scripture and books I read, continuing to exercise to maintain weight, and taking a couple of family trips this year.
A Very Important People (VIP) list was started for the first time this year. These are people I will interact with throughout the year that make an impact on my life. This tool will help me implement the thought that “the only differences in my life a year from now will be from what I read and the people I interact with.”
Consider the following as we begin another year: 1) What are you committed to reading / learning? 2) Are you spending enough time with your family and other VIPs? 3) Have you organized your calendar and priorities for the New Year ahead?
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