Let me ask you an important question. Are you ever tempted to deliver less than your best? My current coach and mentor Mark Hendricks says "Good enough, isn't".
I would suggest that you dedicate yourself to high quality work versus just average (or good enough) work. Did you know that the habit of accuracy and precision improves a person's whole character?
Your work reputation is one of your greatest assets, and you should know that it precedes you wherever you go. Remember, potential employers or clients will speak with those who know you and ask them about you.
Remember that your words speak loudly, but your actions speak louder than your words. Be careful what you are saying with your actions.
People in positions to help will take notice of those who are dedicated to quality, excellence, honesty and integrity. Those same people are also looking for similar people to associate with in their own activities.
John D. Rockefeller said the secret of success is to do the common duty uncommonly well.
The world is full of people who start things, but the world is always wanting people who can finish things. Decide to be a finisher, finish what you start. Accept nothing less than your best work and make your life motto "where only the best is good enough."
Post inspired by the Ultimate Success Program and Og Mandino's University of Success
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