Your mind is a battlefield. Plan to win the war. Here are your enemies:
Frustration - ask yourself why you are experiencing this emotion and then set about to resolve it.
Agressiveness - properly channel this attitude toward reaching goals that will bring satisfaction.
Insecurity - set realistic expectations to minimize this feeling.
Loneliness - you are one of God's creations and need to interact with others.
Uncertainty - make a decision, take the plunge and get a little wet!
Resentment - form a realistic image of yourself and gain some respect for yourself.
Emptiness - Get outside of yourself and invest in the lives of other people.
The secret to successful living is to rise above your feelings of failure to your good moments. You must first fight the battle for your mind by replacing your negative feelings with positive feelings so your logical and creative mind can flourish.
Here are a few affirmations that might be helpful to you:
I am responsible for myself.
I make my own choices.
I measure my results against desired outcomes.
I make adjustments along my pathway to success.
“When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade"
Post inspired by the Ultimate Success Program and Og Mandino's University of Success