Scoutmaster Gourley: Welcome to this special meeting of Troop 51. This afternoon we are gathered to celebrate the achievement of the Eagle Rank by Darren Strickland. First, I ask Brian Witthoeft to open this Court of Honor by thanking God for this day.
Brian W: (...opening prayer...)
Scoutmaster Gourley: Please stand for the presentation of the colors. Color guard advance...Scout the colors.
[Scout]: Please join me in the pledge of allegiance (...recite pledge...)
Scoutmaster Gourley: Color guard retreat. You may be seated. It is my pleasure to declare this Court of Honor officially open. Would [names of four Scouts] please come forward and recite the Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, and Motto (...scouts come forward...)
These are the principles on which Scouting is built. Members of Troop 51 please stand and make the Scout sign.
[Scout 1]: recite Oath
[Scout 2]: recite Law
[Scout 3]: recite Slogan
[Scout 4]: recite Motto
Scoutmaster Gourley: Thank you gentlemen, Troop be seated. Now we have an opportunity to reflect on the makings of an Eagle Scout as we hear from a few individuals concerning Darren's journey toward the Eagle Rank.
Brian Blankenship: speaks
Mrs. Beatty: speaks
It's about Troop 68 in Beavercreek where Darren started his scouting journey 7 years ago. It's about Troop 362 here in Xenia who welcomed Darren when we moved from Beavercreek to Xenia in late 2002. It's about people like Mr. Davis, Mr. Conover, Mr. Seva and others investing their time, talent and energy into Darren and many other scouts along the way. It's about Troop 51 in Waynesville welcoming Darren as a First Class Scout and helping him through the rest of his scouting journey. It's about individuals like Brian Blankenship, Gordon & Shelly Beatty, Alan Carter and others guiding and helping Darren and many other scouts. It's about all the individuals who gave of their time, energy and other resources to help plan and complete Darren's Eagle Scout Project at Apex Community Church.
So to each and every one of you who has invested in Darren and helped him to become the person he is today, AND to become an Eagle Scout…I say, "thank you!"
As Darren's father, I'd like to quickly review the Scout Oath and Law qualities I have observed in Darren over the years.
The Scout Oath:
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
And to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep my self physically strong,
Mentally awake, and morally straight.
The first line of the Scout Oath talks about doing your best - in most endeavors Darren undertakes, he does strive to do his best, whether it is studying for a test, learning a classical guitar piece, or just being a friend.
The fourth line of the Scout Oath says "to help other people at all times" - Darren is keenly aware of the needs and feelings of others and is usually very helpful when he sees or discerns a need.
The last line of the Scout Oath talks about being morally straight - there is no doubt to anyone who knows Darren that he is a person of high morals based upon his personal relationship with God.
The Scout Law:
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.
While I have observed all of the Scout Law characteristics in Darren over the years, the following stand out to me:
Friendly, Courteous, Kind and Cheerful - Just by meeting Darren you know he is friendly, courteous, kind, and cheerful.
Obedient - He has been trained in obedience and has mastered that character trait well, unlike his father, who still struggles with authority.
Thrifty - Darren demonstrates the quality of being thrifty by always searching and shopping for the best deal.
Clean - He can't help but to be clean in the German heritage and environment in which he has been raised.
And finally, Reverent - Darren is reverent to his God and to all people he encounters.
Dillon: Darren please come forward. I would like to invite all Eagle Scouts in the audience to come forward and introduce yourself, including the Troop and year when you received the Eagle Rank. (...introductions...)
I affirm my allegiance
To the promises of the Scout Oath.
I thoughtfully recognize,
And take upon myself,
The obligations and responsibilities,
Of an Eagle Scout.
On my honor, I will do my best
To make my training an example;
To make my rank, and my influence,
Count strongly for better Scouting.
And for better citizenship,
In my troop,
In my community,
And in my contact with other people.
To this I pledge my sacred honor.
Dillon: It is my honor to present the Eagle badge to you
( badge on...)
Scoutmaster Gourley: As your Scoutmaster it is my pleasure to present the Eagle neckerchief and slide.
(...present neckerchief and slide...)
Darren: gives pins and gives thanks
Brian Witthoeft: (...Closing prayer...)
Scoutmaster Gourley: Thank you all for coming today. Please enjoy the refreshments and
congratulate Darren Strickland, Troop 51's newest Eagle Scout.
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