Monday, May 21, 2012

Anyone else out there planning to go see Chris Guillebeau, the author of The $100 Startup, in Columbus Ohio Tuesday evening?
Our character is measured by what we do, or don't do, when no one is around or looking.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Open the Door and Seize the Day!

"You may live in an imperfect world but the frontiers are not all closed and the doors are not all shut."

Don't stand in the way of opportunity, welcome it into your life. Take advantage of the preparation you have done in your life.

Be happy and sing a song of happiness. You never know when someone might be watching or listening.

Here are 5 ways to seize the opportunities that come you way:

1. Be aware of when you need to it,and then get back to work.

2. Live in the moment, yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't guaranteed.

3. Accept yourself for who you are and fulfill your current purpose.

4. Set constructive goals and move confidently toward them.

5. Learn to deal with crises as they arise, for certainly they will.

If your life now was illustrated by being in the ocean several hundred feet from shore, would we see you swimming (making progress) or sinking?

Go live today and fulfill the purpose you've been given!

Post inspired by the Ultimate Success Program and Og Mandino's University of Success.